Haematology Testing
SKU: HS-FA-30219
HemoScreen - 5 part differential Haematology Analyser
*Please note that this product can only be distributed to Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands.*
Lab accurate results at point of care.
PixCell is transforming blood testing. HemoScreen™ makes blood testing exceptionally simple.
HemoScreen is a miniature portable haematology analyser that uses disposable cartridges which includes all necessary reagents and requires no maintenance or calibration, . Designed to accept a single drop of blood, the cartridge is inserted into the reader, the sample is automatically processed and analysed. No maintenance or calibration.
Advantages include:
- Maintenance free
- Easy-to-use
- Portable
- Plug & Play
- Versatile
The HemoScreen™ measures 20 standard CBC parameters, including the 5-part leukocyte differential, with the accuracy and precision of the most advanced central lab analysers – in 5 minutes.
Measured Parameters: RBC, WBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, PLT, RDW, MPV and percentage and absolute counts of NEUT, LYMP, MONO, EOS, BASO. The HemoScreen flags for the presence of abnormal cells including IG, nRBC and Blasts as well as PLT aggregates.
Read more at: https://www.pixcell-medical.com/evidence/#clinicalEvidence
We have other products available for use with the HemoScreen Analyser:
- HemoScreen Test Kit (50 x Samplers and Cartridges)
- HemoScreen FBC Sampler (pack of 100)
- HemoScreen FBC Cartridge (pack of 100)
- HemoCup Blood Dispenser (pack of 100)
- HemoScreen Hematology Liquid Controls (2 sets of 3x3ml Low, medium, high)
- HemoScreen Barcode Scanner
- HemoScreen Zebra Thermal printer
- Printer Roll (112 x 80) - for ZD220 printer
- UniStik 3 - Extra (Box of 100) - 21 gauge 2.0 mm depth
Please send through an email enquiry to enquiries@amtg.com.au or call +61 8 6189 8778 for information or a quote regarding these products.