Fortress AIR
AIRsteril ProtectAIR Range
SKU: P20
The PA range is the most advanced and flexible AIRsteril product available. As a free standing unit, the ProtectAIR can be easily placed centrally (on a desk/table/counter or shelf) and instantly gets to work to clear odours and protect you from microorganisms and contaminates. Suited for offices or residential. Designed to be portable. Available for the same price to cover 10m2 (P10), 20m2 (P20), 30m2 (P30), 40m2 (P40) and 60m2 (P60). Each unit also has a variable fan speed. Great to leave in your bathroom whilst out, to kill any mould, or in kid’s rooms with COVID19, or the flu! Also helps with Asthma and allergies, allowing for a better night’s sleep.
Additional product information can be found in this downloadable brochure.